
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Me and My Travel Experiences - Q & A - 1

Hi Folks I hope you are all safe and sound. Corona made me travel less but more time to write.  And I need to thank all my readers first for taking your time to read my travel stories and since I have passed my 5000 page views let me take this opportunity to write about travel in general specially to address some of the questions that are being raised by my friends on my travel. So here goes as a kind of a question and answer sessions which may not capture everything you all want to know but at least some of them. 

So how did IT all began ? DID YOU ALWAYS WANT TO TRAVEL

Well as a child, I was not exposed to outdoor much. Until I stepped into the University I have never been out with friends, stayed out at others places. My mother was always with me and I was almost like a home boy. The only sport I did was swimming which I am damn happy up to date and think as the most useful skill that I have ever learnt. I was loved by all. My friends, my relatives, my teachers. When I was at D. S. Senanayake College, Colombo 7, which was my one and only Alma Mater, I would say that I was more of a study boy. I never did scouting, I hated Physical education. Any activity involving physical exercise was despised by me and I remember giving excuses whenever I can to avoid them. I did not have any issue as all teachers loved me they in fact knew by mother more than me who was a frequent visitor to my school. I was a grade prefect almost every year. I don’t recall my parents forcing me to do anything in particular. I didn’t go to Daham Pasal. I do not call me as an exceptionally bright student, but I had some intelligence maybe from my parents (Genetics) and I was well disciplined from home (As they say every habit begins at home). As my mother was a housewife, her only concern was to bring me and my sister well, disciplined and get us educated. So my father was the sole breadwinner who worked all he can to provide us with whatever we wanted within his capacity. My parents say I had been naughty when I was small and I do remember once my father hitting me when I was small and I think that was one and the only time and maybe the reason that changed me. As my father was working as an internal auditor at the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation, every year he got a chance to go to different locations where they had Bungalows. So I guess this is where my travel started right from my kindergarten. I still have photos of my visits to Nuwra Eliya, Horton planes, Trincomalee, Kataragama, Anuradhapura and so on which my mother has captured from early cameras on film rolls where you get pictures on negatives (We didn’t have DSLRs, Smart phones those days). My father comes from Tangalle, Rekawa to be exact and then moved to Ambalanthota. My mother was from Colombo. When my father’s mother passed away he being the only boy has looked after his sisters and later came to Colombo for studies and work where he has met my mother, fell in love and got married. As a village boy my father had had the life that I am living now. Coming from an agricultural background, swimming in streams, roaming in jungles. He is a Jack of all trades. He knows everything from home medicines to plumbing to masonry to electric work to cooking to repairing to accountancy. I am sad to say that no matter how much I am educated I do not know even a handful of the skills my father knows. My only experience of his village experience was during one or two visits that we go to Amblanthota to see my grandfather and my aunty where we spend so much time on streams or roaming around. I being the only son of my father I was always the center of attraction. But skill wise I am not that competent. Even I learn to ride a bicycle when I was requested to learn during my University times. So this is my childhood. My friends even now can’t believe that I am doing all these hard climbs, camping when I was a very timid, very shy, studious school boy. If someone asked me what I wanted be, I would have never said a traveler but a doctor was always the dream. 

But I guess everyone has a turning point. Mine was the University life as I could not enter the medical faculty. That was the first time I stayed out of home. Just imagine me staying in a place like Mahailluppalaama, in a hostel, looking after myself (All this time my parents were doing everything even washing my clothes and combing my hair). So I came like a total out of the world student to the hostel. Agriculture made me contact with nature for the first time. Toiling with soil, raring animals and the village life connected me with nature every day. It was so hard at first but gradually I came used to it. During those 4 years I travelled to various places in the country as we had my batch mates from various parts of Sri Lanka. Also I got a chance to visit Germany as a special programme with all expenses paid off which was my first foreign tour. But still I did not really had the urge to travel to all these countries. 

Then I left Uni, started working in Sampath Bank. And I shifted to Hayleys after sometime. This is the time where I got accidently exposed to travel reports. Facebook was at its early stages. I came across Lakdasun by accident and started reading these stories. Then I posted saying that I wanted a travel partner. That is where I met Kawshika who happened to be from D. S. Senanayake College one year younger to me. We chat for some time and decided to make our first hike to Aadara Kanda which I have written a separate story on.  

My second greatest I would say not a recommended one for a beginner was to Great Western with Lace Up Sri Lanka founded by Sahan and some Mahanamian and Thomian mallilas. With time I met people. First travel club to join was Awidinno, then Pathfinders, It’s time to hike, and some of the clubs do not even exist today. This is how it was started. I know it is a kind of a lengthy response. But wanted to highlight these points.

WHY travel?

As mentioned I never had an intention of travel. Never did I dream of going to EBC or climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Never did I dream of camping in the woods or jumping from a top of a waterfall. But maybe this was in my blood coming from my father and also being so restricted at home during my small days. I always had this feeling of being away and out from home. As social media was blooming with travel photography, my interest for travel also gradually flourished. It lightened up my free spirit, the need for freedom and gradually it came slowly up and finally bust out from my soul.

Now travel is my everything. Travel defines me. It is not wrong when people call me a travel addict. I have got addicted to travel so much that I have prioritize it over all other aspects of my life. There are times when I travel almost every weekend.  I would travel even without coming home, even when I have an exam or an important meeting on the following day. 

For me travel is a part of my body and soul. It is kind of a spirit that uplift me. For me travel gives me the opportunity to explore, to challenge myself, and face my worst nightmares, overcome hardships and struggles. Every journey is new. Every path is different. Every face I meet is different. Travel taught me endurance, patience and travel gave me a new outlook on life. It made me strong, it made me artistic, it made me spiritual and it made me all rounded. 

I still do not say I am the best traveler. I will never be. There are many who travel more than I, who face worse challenges, who reach better destinations. I do not want to be the best but to be a part of it so that when I finally look back at the life I lead, I can be proud and happy about the bunch of memories that I have collected, the places I have visited and the people I have met. 

I believe travel widens your horizon, gives different perspectives, teach you about humanity about human behavior. Travel helps you to explore yourself, dig deep into you and understand who you really are. Travel gives you freedom and an opportunity to let yourself experience things that you have never felt, known before. Travel makes you poetic, down to earth and humble. 

And most of all, travel connects you with Nature the outside world. When you travel only you realize that you are part of web of life that is interconnected. You are coexisting with thousand other beings around you and your behavior and theirs impact each other. 

When we travel there are no segregation or discrimination. All are the same whatever the age, gender, sexuality, education level, experience you have. It makes everyone equal and provide an opportunity to support and help each other inculcating brotherhood and forming an everlasting bods. I have experience, enemies becoming friends, strangers becoming best buddies and some bonds become even stronger than the blood ties. It is where the lonely find companions, introverts are given a voice.

So if not travel then what…you need to question yourself.

HOW DO YOU MANAGE TO travel/ HOW DO YOY FIND Money and time?

One of the most common question and comment that I get is that I see you travel all the time. Don’t you have a job? You must be really rich. Well this is for you.

I came from Middle class family. I do not have many riches. But thanks to my parents and my education, I am doing a job that gives me a sufficient earning. Luckily I am not married and no do I have a partner. I do not have any other addictions apart from travel of course. Apart from the money that I spend for my family, on my education, my basic needs, credit card and loan payments, the rest of the money stays with me. I believe in living at present not in the past of future. I strongly believe that you will not have the same satisfaction of enjoying what you want today on some other time. So I do not save much but spend most of my money on travels.

There were times where I had to borrow money the first was when I went to Greece where I had to borrow money from aunty Sumithra the mother of my bestie Hiroshi. I am forever indebted to her without whom I would not have ever visited Greece. I never ask money from my parents as I know they do not have that much. Even for EBC I had to apply for a loan. 

But travel does not need that much of money. Yes it is true you need a lot if you are travelling overseas. But for travel in Sri Lanka you hardly need money. It is how you plan. I take public transport whenever possible which does not cost you much. We stay most of the time in tents or a house of a villager. There were times where we have slept in temples, caves, bus halts, Ambalams. So accommodation is sorted. Then comes food. Again if you are cooking you do not need to worry. It’s only the basic costs. Some rice, noodles, Salmon or meatballs, energy bars and most importantly water which is mostly available freely.

But remember this is not luxury in the sense of what you have in mind. You need to learn to be happy with these little comforts. Then sleeping in a tent on a starry night would be a better option than spending a thousands of rupees on a five star hotel.

Then the time. Again it is how you manage. I know everyone is different. Some of you are married, some even have kids. For some you have difficult busy jobs. Some study and some both work and study. Some may have parents to look after. All those accepted. To tell about me I do a degree in psychology and I have a full time job. I also have responsibilities (being single does not give you an excuse as you are a social animal) I do have meetings, exams. But I plan according to my work my schedules. Yes I have missed great trips. But that is a compromise that you got to make. You may not be able to travel as often as I do but still you can have time to take a rest, a day off. Believe me it would be stress buster. It would give you an opportunity to revive yourself and work the following day better.

One thing. As everyone is different you need to identify your potential. Like me you may not be able to travel on the before an exam or an important meeting. It is your call. Travel should not stress you or hinder your day today activities. It should be means of giving you happiness and relief your stress and take you away from routine work.

But believe in yourself. We as humans are capable of multitasking. We are very flexible and can switch our moods, tasks easily than what we believe. So trust yourself and do not be afraid to take risks.

Plan and enjoy.


I have been travelling almost from 2012 rigorously. I have travelled with many and if your do the maths, you can calculate the number of people I have travelled with and travelers I know.  I am surrounded by travelers of different ages, races, countries, genders, sexualities, interests. 

As a novice traveler, I think it is best to travel with a group. Travel is not only about reaching a destination and posting on Facebook a selfie saying you made it. There is a lot more you need to experience and learn and I am still leaning. When you travel with others you learn from them, especially with previous experience and that would be the best way which I believe to start. But of course there are enough resources nowadays that you can read, maps available, so many reports that helps you and it is not impossible to travel on your own. There are enough groups and pages in Social media and many events that are published. Check on them and you can easily join one as in most of these events if you pay, everything is arranged for you from picking you up to dropping you back including photographs as memories.

I have travelled alone, as a duo, in small groups and even in very large groups of about 100 people. All this depends on the situation and the place you have travelling to and also the mode of transport. Each would give you a different experience and I advise you all to try all these methods and see what you actually like.

After all these travels, I personally like travel with one another (as two) or a small group (less than 5) or sometimes alone. This is of course personal and depends on the context. I do not like big groups unless it is an arranged tour. When the group is large especially for an introvert (Who does not interact much with others) big crowd is a mess. Larger the crowd the groups will be broken down into sub groups. There are different interests and likes of everyone. It is not possible to satisfy everyone. When the group is smaller, interactions are easy even in an emergency it is easier to take decision.

I prefer group of 2 especially when I want a break and escape. To have an intelligent conversation relaxing without disturbed by others. But the partner should be selected careful so that both are in line with the interests of each other and have the similar likes and behavior and also trust each other and ready for challenges. This is why married couples should travel whenever possible. I prefer to camp by a beach listening to the sound of the sea or under a starry night on a mountain top with another rather than a group.

Travelling alone is good when it’s expensive to travel with another, if you do not have a travel partner and also when you want to spend some time alone indulging in self exploration.

What is important is that you understand the situation. Make sure that you do not interfere or disturb someone else. Remember it’s not your private home and please do not take Nature for granted thinking that you have the freedom to do anything you want. 

If someone’s presence or behavior troubles you, make sure you do not include that person in your next journey because you travel for you to enjoy not be used or hurt by another. 

HOW DO YOU start what do you need to travel?

Again this is relative. You can start whenever you want. As mentioned above, you need to be a good judge of yourself. You may not be fit enough to do any travel. So it’s best to research on the destination, the climate, the trek difficulty, food and accommodation, transport and also the others travelling before you make a decision. You do not need much. Again this depends on where you want to go.

·         Make sure you have an appropriate clothes – depends on weather, trek difficulty, obstackles (It could be shorts, long trousers, bottoms etc. maybe a cap/hat)

·         A suitable shoe/footwear – depend on what you are comfortable with. Some like slippers, some wants shoes. Need not be branded and expensive but should serve the purpose for example good grip. Not slippery. Best is to ask the organizer or others who have visited for advise

·         A backpack – this is for you to carry your essentials. Again pack light but all what is essential could be an extra cloth, food/snacks, and medications. Better to be waterproof as the weather could destroy everything

·         A water bottle – better to have a 1.5/2L bottle specially if you are trekking for longer hours and water is limited/not available during the trek

·         Tent – as you become experience and want to travel on your own. There are different types. Select one that suits your destination

·         Torch – especially if you are camping

So you can see you do not need much. As you become more experience you can add more to the list like gas stoves, ropes, hiking poles, head light, bladder, sleeping bag etc. Each destination will require a site specific travel item list which is usually given by the tour operator or if you are planning on your own which you can search, talk to others and find out.

Aren’t you afraid/what challenges can/have you faced?

You will be surprised when I say, one of my biggest fears is the fear of heights. I am a bit acrophobic. But that is the very fear I have pushed myself to challenge. I have not conquered this yet and I do not think I ever will. Still when I look down from the top of an edge my knees tremble, my heart beats fast. I can remember during my initial hikes, people like Thimira from Awidinno held my hand and took me to the edges. This will always be there but I am glad to say that I am not afraid as I used to, few years back. 

Every travel will challenge you some way. It could be extreme like cliff jumping, bouldering, leeches, snakes, spiders, grasses, thorns, abseiling or simple things like lack of water, not having a proper place to sleep or poop, for a girl to be with boys. Believe me I had all these. For me even removing a shirt in front of a crowd or bath in my underwear was once a challenge. But with time, with the help of others, you learn to face them and gradually get accustomed to it. Now I do not mind my feet becoming red with leech attacks and I enjoy a poop in the open or to skinny dip. This does not mean that you will overcome everything. There will be lapses. And there will be certain things that no matter how you try you will not tolerate. So the next time avoid such places. If you don’t like climbing mountains, go to beaches it is simple as that.

But do not let anticipated fears/challenges/shames prevent you from a remarkable journey. Age, gender is just barricade. There are people elder than me who have conquered mountains.

SO accept that there will be challenges and put effort to face them. 


Well I didn’t believe till I travel how different human behavior can be. I have met people of all nooks of life. I have travelled with people of different ages and genders. I am so proud to say that there are girls stringer and resilient than me. There people who are not afraid who are older than me. I have people who wanted to party during camping and I have met people who prefer quite nights.  I have seen people who pushed themselves more and more. I have people who are selfish and at the same time who helps others even carrying their backpacks. So yes there are selfie kings and queens, photogenic, photographers, scouts, scavengers, hunters, drunkards, party animals, fitness freaks you name it. Travels give you an opportunity to meet these people. You learn from their behaviors. 

I should like to mention some not in any particular order who had made a lasting impression on me. First I Kawshika with whom I started my travel. Sahan from Lace up. Then I am forever grateful to Thimira and Dilum from Awidinno although the group is now scatted who are still my friends and without whom I would not have made it to EBC. Then I would like to thank Bhagya Silva who introduced me to a different group of people who being from my same school took me on many journeys and loves and cares for me as a big brother. Chamath whom Bhagya introduced who again played a major part of my travel.

A very special person Sumudu ayya who is a remarkable, humble and down to Earth human who took me to places which I have never heard of and educated me on various aspects. Then Sumedha frm pathfinders who was a part of my early travels.

Then I met people like Ranaweera who always helped me when I faced a difficulty and who is also a person with a remarkable character. I also met people like Chamara who is founder of Raana who always try to make me part of their excursions. Sameera from trips Lanka a different character and has a different travel style also made a major part of my travel since we first made it around Sri Lanka on the road trip. 

I also like to mention my EBC team, Thuwan, Mahesh, Amila, Kasun, Sudheeraka, Rumesh and Sanjeewani akka who made my EBC journey possible and who also played a big role in my travel journeys who are still there with me.

Of course Alwis, Supun, Rajitha, Osanda, Priya and Nishantha Ayya who are still like my second family more of brothers. Thiwanka who always loves to travel with me also gave me some duo experiences.

Also Namal, Kasun and Akila who gave me a wonderful road trip experience. Thanura who always make me part of the travels. 

I do really admire females like Krishani, Senapthi, Priyanga, Dulani, Ranheli, Upeka, Dilhara, Aksuhald, Samadhi, Maheshika akka, Willie, Anoja, Warinee Manoja who make me so glad that I ever met them. These females have shown and proven that gender and age is not barrier when it comes to fulfillung your dreams.

Also I need to mention Kirulu who is not with us anymore but made wonderful memories.

Another remarkable person I met is Don ayya, despite his disabilities is a better traveler than me. 

Also Roshan and Hasitha from Amazing Lanka are two good friends that I have met

Kavinga from Hiking Sri Lanka also remains a good friend.

During my travels I got the opportunity to work with waterfall friends Sri Lanka lead by Sumudu ayya where I learnt a lot about environment, waterfalls and protection. I met the opportunity to meet many environment scientists, reserachers and many others keen on working for the environment.

Then I also should mention all the travel groups from Lace up Sri Lanka, Awidinno, Pathfinders, Trips Lanka, Raana, Ahindaas, It’s time to Hike, Thirikkale, Sinbad travels, Barefoots, Yaathra, Adventure seekers Ramblers Club, hiking Sri Lanka Yaman, Adventure seekers, eco grip and adventure explorers.

And last but not least Hiroshi and Sumithra aunty who made overseas travel possible. 

Sandra, Tulakshana and my English medium maths buddies and some other from D.S S.C. and MBA classes with whom I have even been to overseas should also be mentioned with whom I travelled during my early days. 

I have also met another group the travel photographers who has shown that they have a remarkable thrid eye through which they can capture beautiful moments in landscapes, portraits and even wildlife.

These are the names that comes to my mind.  But I need to say that each and every individual I met during my travels changed my life in a different away and I owe all of them for making a wonderful book of memories that I can cherish one day.

What do you think of sri Lankan travel community?

Well this is something that needs wider discussion. I still believe that there is a lot that needs development. As a person with some exposure in overseas travel I think we are still at a very early stage.

About 10 years back travel within Sri Lanka was done by only a few. Camping and hiking was not that popular and there were few individuals who did it. With expansion of Social media more travel groups came up and there was a time where each was competing with one another for events and trying to be the best. 

I also saw a trend of emerging commercial travels. Travel events propped up. This I believe has both good and bad as it gave a chance for many with limited resources and experience to travel but this trend increased at such a rate it became a kind of mafia. There were people who organized mega events which sometimes destroyed the peace and even nature.

Now what I see is that travel has become a fashion and a trend. If someone have not done a hike or camped he is considered to be cornered. I guess this is to do with generations as well. Our parents did very limited travels, then came our generation which started the engine, now the next generation is pressing the accelerator. 

Travel which was a time pass for few now has become a sign of achievement, something to brag on. I do not say it is completely bad. But there should be some sort of regulation. Most travels are not properly supervised and monitored which has resulted in injuries, deaths and even destruction to the environment.

I strongly believe that If as a Sri Lankan I want to travel, another should have the same right too. But the issue is in the execution. I have seen many ecosystems being destroyed, some places and monuments damaged and tarnished. People dump garbage, get drunk and disturb others. The repercussions can be both short and long termed. 

I understand to travel means many to different individuals. But that should not come as a cost to others. So when choosing the destination you need to be careful whether your intended actions would harm others and disturb and destroy the environment. 

Lot of adventure activities have come to the forefront. Climbing, mountaineering, abseiling, bouldering, Kayaking, rafting and many more. And believe me Sri Lanka has everything to offer except for snow and volcanoes. So any experience other than these is possible. But these needs to be regulated. Proper training and education should be given to operators. And actions should be taken against those who violate and destroy environment. But for that we need to have a proper legal framework.

IN terms of overseas travel we are at a very primitive level. This is because of the cost involved and also the value of our passport. Thus this is experienced only by a privileged few.  I would write a separate one on overseas travel later.

What I finally have to say is that if we become self-disciplined and responsible on our own we can develop a better community which would be a win win for all.


I have been travelling for some time and I have done many. I have had many experiences some even some of you would not have even dreamt of. I will continue and will have many more to talk on in the coming years.

What now I want is to find a couple of travel buddies/companions who fits with my travel interests and my plans. I need to experience what I desire and visit my dream destinations both in Sri Lanka and overseas. I am not that rich to sponsor for another but willing to pair up with one who is capable of joining me and also who is not afraid or shy to experiment and explore.

Many asked me to start my own channel. This is in the back of my mind but I am not that tech savvy so I need to have an expert in the area of videography and editing and who has the resources to do so. My only wish is that one day I do a job related to travel where I get paid for what I love doing.

There are also some people in the travel field like Dayan, Nimesha and Madhawa who have been constatly encouraging me and someday I want to travel somewhere togther. And there are some others with whom I have travelled as a group but would like to travel alone just to get to know them better and enjoy some quieter times with more intelligent questions.

I also want to travel without any plans, middle of the night on kind of a road trip and also on 4wheel drives on hard roads but I always want to be the passenger and not the driver. Maybe i should like to try a bicycle tour though bicycles are not the most comfortable way to travel.

I also want to explore more hotels and nature resorts and give good reviews on them.


Well I always believe there are no bests and ideal. We always have to have a compromise. But with the plans and bucket list activities I have a profile. It could be one or few as you it will be impossible to get an all one person. 

We all look for someone in par with us or better in some aspects especially in areas which we are weak or afraid. So obviously it should be one with aspirations and a strong will and determination and endurance. I prefer to have a male specially for adventurous activities but gender will not be an issue for overseas travels as long as it would not create a taboo (which I think would be very difficult in Sri Lanka) for if you stay you are sleeping in the same room the girl would not be able to return home.

The person should be ready for challenges and have minimum concerns of social taboos.  Trust is of utmost importance and should not be afraid or shy to activities that are within the comfort range for both. I am a naturist and enjoys a clothes free experience whenever possible and is quite open about it and I wish for someone who is also into the concept. Should be open minded and have the willingness and the urge to explore and learn.

Respect to others is of utmost importance. A person who would love to experience anything in-between the great comforts of a seven star hotel to harsh sleepless night on a rainy day on a mountain top. Understanding is of importance. A person that can add more value to what I already have technically, artistically, physically and psychologically. 

I believe Nature is the greatest of all. And I want to explore and experience it in a spiritual level. I hope my companion will also be on a similar quest so that we can give the world something beautiful and meaningful.






Mountbatten Bungalow - A Colonial holiday facing the hills of Hanthana

  Covid has made travelling almost impossible for myself, I guess it is the same with most of you. I have been trying to get away somewhere ...